Hershey Elementary School 4th and 5th Grade Alto Saxophone
Welcome to the Hershey Elementary School 4th and 5th Grade Alto Saxophone page! These items are recommend by your teacher.
Ligatures: Most beginner and intermediate instruments are stocked with metal ligatures. HES reccomends an upgrade to a Rovner Dark ligature. This is what we prefer all HHS students play with.
Reeds: At HES, students use Royal by D'Addario reeds. A box of reeds generally lasts about 3 months, depending on how much you play/how often you rotate them.
Reed Case: Your reed case should have slots for 4 reeds to rotate.
Silk Swab: Helps to clean the inside of your Alto Saxophone without scratching the metal.
Alto Saxophone Stand: If the Alto Saxophone is being set down, it is helpful to have a stand to preventing unwanted damage and to ensure the sax is held properly.